Abdominal pain worries people because of many reasons, one of which may be gastritis.
Why stomach hurts?
There are many diseases that trigger the pain in the stomach or close to it. The doctor is important to determine the nature and localization of pain. Here is a list of some diseases description of the nature and involved pain:
- pancreatitis, cholecystitis gastric ulcer and duodenum and causes a sharp pain in the stomach. The pain that patients describe as sharp, usually talking about the perforated ulcer (the appearance of holes in the hollow body, because of the chronic pathological process in the wall). This can happen, kun or duodenal ulcer peptic ulcer;
- gastritis peptic ulcer and included are usually a burning sensation in the epigastrium (part of abdomen below the sternum). If the process ironiziruya, pain and is a dull aching. Gastritis gastric ulcer is clearly visible and the correlation between food intake: pain after a meal a couple of hours or on an empty stomach;
- the pain is "shooting", is a short (a few seconds), which occurs when you stand up quickly or breathing in bed, characterized by spasm of the diaphragm. Provoke spasm, circulatory disorders of the retina;
- patients with malignant tumors of the stomach complain of a weak, but constant pain. If the tumor had metastasized to the pancreas, the pain becomes surrounded;
- poisoning characterized by sharp, severe, cramping pain in any part of the abdomen;
- colitis (inflammation of the colon) is accompanied by intense pain in the upper abdomen, which usually weakens in a few days, but not completely lost.
This is the most common cause of abdominal pain. Accurate Diagnosis, However, in vain, to ask the doctor when special diagnostic studies. In addition to the above-mentioned conditions, the pain to pay, when the stratification of abdominal aortic injury after a blow to the stomach to the intestines. There are times when the pain of heart attack is transferred to the epigastric region.
Some diseases and require a rapid response to immediate operative intervention to save the patient's life. For example, if time does not perform the operation of perforation of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, the development of complications (peritonitis, sepsis), which directly threatens the patient's life.
Important! When abdominal pain localization of any can drink painkillers. The nature of pain tell your doctor, what a body check, the disappearance of pain and it can be said that the pathological process progresses and the urgent need to do something, even though subjectively the patient seems to make it better. A similar condition can occur with the rupture of the appendicitis.
The symptoms of gastritis
Let us dwell on the gastritis. What is this disease and what other symptoms in addition to pain, this may indicate the diagnosis? Gastritis – inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the stomach, because of several reasons. The main provoking factors of gastritis are:
- wrong diet (lots of fatty fried food and, meals per one day);
- the use of large amounts of alcoholic beverages;
- chronic stress;
- Smoking;
- use of drugs that affect the stomach, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen);
- the effect of Helicobacter pylori.
In general, one reason to highlight is difficult, as the disease develops due to a combination of the above factors.
Symptoms of gastritis:
- pain is the primary complaint of patients with gastritis. Patients indicate localization of pain in the epigastrium (epigastric region). Pain Often occur a few hours after eating the food. There is hunger, pain (pain occurs on an empty stomach or after a long time after eating). Unpleasant sensations, if the patient eat fried, spicy, sour or hot;
- belching, flatulence;
- rumbling in the abdomen;
- heaviness in the stomach;
- nausea, vomiting;
- coated with white bloom keel;
- slightly increased body temperature (37°);
- stomach discomfort, which lasts throughout the day.
As mentioned above, can cause gastritis many factors. It is considered as one of the leading bacterial theory, with a key role in the development of the disease is Helicobacter pylori. However, the wrong diet (eg. one or two meals a day), dependence on a certain type of food (spicy or fried foods) irritate the stomach pathological process and causes.
Chronic gastritis
Acute gastritis is an acute condition caused by a single effect of the stimuli (harmful micro-organisms, poor quality food, chemicals) of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Is an inflammatory process. In this case, shown, diet, medication. Subject to all the rules and effective in the treatment of acute gastritis remain in the patient's past. Under the influence of some factors (poor nutrition, chronic stress) periods of exacerbation become permanent. This means that the process moved into a chronic form.
Usually there is seasonality of exacerbations. Patients to hospital for exacerbation of spring and autumn. This is due to lowered immunity in recent months, the ability to resist bacteria was lower, which as a result of inflammation.
Frequently chronic gastritis acute stressful situation. People who can not properly regulate their emotional state, constantly faced with pain in the stomach.
The doctor diagnosed chronic gastritis the patient must undergo a series of examinations:
- gastroscopy – examination, and the esophagus of the stomach using a special probe equipped with a camera;
- pH-meters – monitoring the acidity of the stomach during the day and more. The method can be used to detect inflammation and to determine the nature of gastritis (hyperacid or hypoacid);
- of gastric juice study, which is extracted by the probe;
- respiratory here for the detection of Helicobacter pylori;
- biopsy of the gastric mucosa to replace the pathological process to create a more accurate diagnosis;
- Ultrasound;
- x-ray examination;
- a blood test to find against the agents of pathogenic microogranism.
Acute gastritis does not usually cause complications. It is characterized by a chronic process. Complications, it is necessary to emphasize:
- anemia (develops due to chronic bleeding due to lesions of the stomach wall);
- peptic ulcer;
- benign or malignant tumors.
Cancer may indicate changes in the usual course of chronic gastritis - change and the location of the pain character. The doctor's man should be contacted immediately, in English other symptoms: black stool, pale skin, and often dizziness, headache, syncope, tachycardia, shortness of breath. This may indicate a complication of gastritis.
How to treat gastritis?
An important part of the medical treatment of hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane underlying the elevated pH in the stomach) is to reduce gastric acidity. The desired effect is achieved by the following medications:
- antacids – drugs that reduce gastric acidity, and adsorbing the enzymes responsible for the digestion production and food hydrochloric acid (eg. pepsin). Antacids are produced in the form of tablets, powders, gels and suspensions.
- alginate – drugs that react with hydrochloric acid, forming a specific gel, which covers the surface of the stomach.
Reduce and use pain antispasmodics pain meds. In no case void the use of gastritis by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nsaids), because they are the ulceration of the training (to provoke the development of ulcers).
Also protects the mucous membrane of the stomach gastro-protectie. As these alginates medications to form the inner mucous membrane of the stomach of a thin film, which can not function to give the hydrochloric acid to cause even more mucous membranes. Gastro protectie is often prescribed in combination with antisecretory drugs, because the latter can affect the development of bacteria in the stomach cavity. The secretion of drugs such as proton pump inhibitors, reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
One of the causes of gastritis - Helicobacter pylori-the bacterium, and therefore treatment is advisable prescription of antibacterial agents. However, antibiotics have many side effects, they caution should be applied to children and the elderly, pregnant women and mothers during feeding. Simultaneously with antibiotics prescribed probiotics to normalize intestinal function. Antibacterials will always cause goiter.
Prokinetics are drugs that speed up the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, normalizes the process of moving food through the stomach and its excretion into the duodenum. A significant difference from other drugs: prokinetics are used to lower the acidity in the stomach and is not elevated. Also, these drugs reduce nausea.
Every drug is against-indications, side effects, and taking into account different ages. Therefore, to appoint medical treatment can avail the expert. Gastritis prescribe usually a combination of several drugs to relieve the unpleasant symptoms and affect the several parts and the process of formation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
Diet for gastritis
In addition, take special medications, people with gastritis should follow a policy of diet therapy. Gastritis with low acidity is to eat foods that trigger the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which lowers pH. You can do this, in the period of exacerbation is used:
- meat and fish broth, lean meat, and this popular place;
- the liquid porridge, soups solids without food and coarse particles;
- vegetable puree;
- cooked lean meat, steam cutlets, fry the meat and poultry;
- boiled eggs, scrambled eggs;
- cheese.
It is necessary to refuse milk, the remains of which can reduce the acidity.
Gastritis with high acidity of the diet, which aims to neutralize the hydrochloric acid. Food should Also be so gentle, so as not to further damage the mucous membrane of the stomach. So patient through a relapse should include in your diet:
- milk soup;
- soup of lean meat;
- low-fat milk (you can add a tea);
- boiled or steamed vegetables;
- boiled eggs;
- lean meat, poultry, this popular place (boiled or baked);
- white crackers.
Each gastritis is forbidden to eat:
- fatty meat, fish and, and, respectively, in the broth of fat meat or this popular place;
- pastries;
- fresh black and white bread;
- hard-boiled eggs;
- smoked products;
- canned food, pickles;
- spicy food;
- warm meals;
- vegetables and fresh fruit, which is thick and rough skin;
- sweets;
- alcoholic beverages;
- fast food;
- all carbonated beverages;
- spices, sauces.
All of the above products cause more irritation in the stomach break the positive dynamics and treatment. Each cooked dish should be easily digestible. It is desirable to grind food as much as possible to help the stomach to digest it.
A strict diet for chronic gastritis detected until symptoms disappear. It takes from one to three months. Then menu is greatly expanded, but the basic rules to follow, in order to prevent aggravation. Regardless of the stage of the disease the diet should be full of vitamins, minerals, balanced protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Coffee gastritis
Can coffee with gastritis? Usually, doctors recommend to refuse from drinking completely. This is due to the ability of caffeine, chlorogenic acids and other substances irritate the stomach coffee, and increase acidity. Regular consumption of coffee to gastritis, especially on an empty stomach, lead to an exacerbation of the pathological process and the formation of ulcers.
However, there are several recommendations that will help you to drink the beverage even in the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach:
- you can drink coffee on an empty stomach. Against after eating, after half an hour at least, better hours. Substances coffee causes the secretion of hydrochloric acid. If together with the belly in coffee is not received, the food, the acid begins to act on the wall of the organ;
- not-can-be coffee or hot cold. Warm gently through the stomach;
- it is better to drink instant coffee with natural grain. Instant drinks have tannins, still which harm the stomach wall;
- coffee is not get-to be strong;
- during the day several cups of coffee is the stabilisation and association agreement exceed two.
Coffee stabilisation and association agreement to use the hypoacid (reduced acidity) gastritis. However, drinking is still in small quantities. Also gastritis with low acidity is recommended to drink chicory, because this will affect because people carry the production of hydrochloric acid. But it should be clear that, against chicory is definitely for people with hyperacidity gastritis.
Hyperacidity (acidity) gastritis coffee is recommended to add milk. It cools the drink, so its effect on the mucous membranes of the softer. Replace coffee, cocoa, has many useful features (increased tone and improve mood, due to the presence in the composition of the endorphins).
During exacerbation of the disease, coffee is better to refuse at all. This will return quickly to help the gastric mucosa, not drawing out this process for many months.
Right place in the composition of the diet allows as a result to experience acute gastritis. When the process has become chronic, because the diet reduces the number of relapses table even in spring and autumn. The diet in this disease it is important part of treatment, without which good results almost impossible to achieve. Compliance with the diet significantly improves the quality of life of the patient.