Health reasons for Me, it is not recommended to use any dieting. However, when the needle scales began to be too much, and sugar ranges from the brink of dangerous, is to find a way out. Began to think, how to lose weight in a week at least 1kg. In the end ask for help in a specialized center. Another Hello card with a bouquet of diseases, and I expect sentence. The doctor was positive. He dispelled my fears regarding the changes, nutrition and its effect is the body and helped to establish food list which include to no avail those products that I eat constantly.

The advantages of slow weight loss
The benefits of losing weight, nutritionists strongly recommend to their patients to lose weight slowly, without the Express diets. What is the advantage of gradually getting rid of the extra pounds? Stable results. Lose weight quickly it is possible to unnecessary, if daily, a significant caloric deficit. Experience People its hunger to constantly deprive glad. Usually proponents of Free diet to lose weight, before something happens and then everything returns to normal. During the prohibited products, harmful sweets and snacks. Gradual weight loss allows your body to adapt. It is a conscious process, which is born of the desire not unnecessarily to lose weight, but also to change their way of life. The skin loses its elasticity. When the size of the man suddenly loses weight, his skin droops, the body and becomes loose. Gradual weight loss men not in vain to obtain the desired parameters of the figure, but toned body. Change in eating habits. Eating properly, learning is a slimming diet to make your own based on healthy products. If the process takes a few months, people have time to adjust, get used to the new diet and I love it. Proper nutrition is a way of life. This is the result to which you aspire.
To lose weight 1 kg should log, track, burn calories
When you set a goal, a man must control calorie intake to the store and stuff the special log. On the internet you can find several calorie calculators that you can use. But it is best to consult a qualified nutritionist, who creates a custom power supply system. The daily requirement is women and men 2,000 to 2,500 calories calories. To lose weight successfully 1 kg a week, that's gotta burn at least 1000 calories. You can do this, reduce your daily intake by 500 calories and burn 500 with exercise. The journal allows you to observe the process and weight loss adhere to the correct strategy. At least 500 calories you have to burn to teach. You can perform the following loads:
- 30 minutes of running.
- 35 minutes of jumping rope.
- 60 minutes of low intensity aerobic.
- 60 minutes swimming pool.
- The most well-liked select the type and load of teaching on a daily basis.
If you play sports, it is still get rid of another 500 calories a day. It is necessary to change the normal diet. Choose foods with less calories, but enough nutrients.
- No starch vegetables.
- Fruits with low sugar content.
- Low-fat dairy products.
Choose foods that can be satisfied to avoid snacking between meals.
Moderate exercise is considered 7500-9500 steps a day. To increase the intensity is 10 000 steps a day. Try to walk more, to climb stairs, after work walk in the Park, the less use of public transport. Talking on the phone, lying on the couch and walk around the room. Thus, approximately you can burn 350 calories.
Refrain from snacking
During meals people consume a lot of calories. If you feel a strong sense of hunger, choose snacks with fewer calories. Compare the following options for snacks.
- 100g Apple 52 calories of potatoes vs 100g – 274 calories.
- 100g Apple puree – 76 calories vs 100 grams of ice cream – 201 calories.
- 100g yogurt – 50 calories vs 100g of cheese – 360 calories.
- 100g carrots – 42 calories vs 100g of chips – 544 calories.
- 100g strawberries – 40 calories vs 100g of cherries 77 calories.
A balanced diet
Make sure that you eat right, recommended proportions:
- 50% vegetables.
- 25% starch.
- 25% of the protein products.
With or without the help of a nutritionist should determine the individual proportions of the food combinations. After a moment, you can quickly identify foods that contain less calories. Here you can read more about it. You can also drink a delicious drink for weight loss Chocolate, Slim, which allows you to lose weight.
Household chores help you lose weight
Few people know that housework can burn up to 500 calories. Here are a few things you can do to burn calories in 30 minutes:
- Wash the floors with a MOP – 125 calories.
- Ironing – 90 calories.
- Window cleaning – 100 calories.
- Wash the dog – 125 calories.
Gardening helps to lose 1 kg a week
One hour of work in the garden at the cottage lose you can up to 500 calories. Spend some time for you To enjoy. So the time in the summer, trying to do things in the country, less than did not-for 2 hours a week.
Belly dance
If you are looking for a fun way to burn calories look sexy, beautiful, the best option would be belly dancing. An hour you can burn 180-300 calories depending on the intensity. The advantage of this method is that during the dance to work the muscles of the thighs, abdomen and knees.
Hula Hoop weight loss
Hula-Hoop is not in vain game for kids, efficient operation but also that you can burn calories. Good intensity lost about 10 calories per minute, so you can burn 500 calories in less than one hour. In Addition to this, exercise can help you tone the muscles of the abdomen, back and legs.
A few ways to lose weight 1 kg in a week
Do you want to lose weight in no time? Then the man should use in vain are not safe and hazardous to your health methods, such as those who do not today's speech went. A man must be and realistic also remember that if you don't follow them, you can drop from 500 to 900 grams per week.
Drink water
One of the best and lose weight ways to lose 1.5 kg in 7 days – the water will make your main drink. Of course, it is much healthier than soda or energy, but that's not all. The man should be removed also from the diet of smoothies and fruit juices (we are not talking about natural juices). Water supports healthy fluid balance in the body, accelerate the metabolism thirst to quench and a lot better than other drinks. If you don't like the taste, to no avail a few add to the beaker drops of your favorite citrus juice or a bit of mint.
Follow carbohydrates
I'm not talking about a complete exception. Your body needs carbohydrates to function properly, without you it's not a healthy diet. Stay away from refined carbohydrates – eat bread and pasta from whole, not refined grains. Also avoid refined sugar. Remember that a healthier alternative. it is fresh fruits and vegetables. They contain the carbohydrates you need.
Burn more than you consume
The most obvious advice of One, which, however, is often overlooked.Do you want to lose weight? Then a man must expend more than you consume energy. Stay physically active: go to the gym, do the exercise at home, running or cycling. Choose to your liking.
I want to burn a lot of calories – makes the heart work harder, and it means, take heart!
Regular one of the cardio workouts are too of the most effective ways to lose weight. Not a sport, work out daily run usually swim. Strength exercises such as push UPS, sit UPS, crunches are also important. In the gym, use a treadmill, stair-stepper and, of course, an ellipsoid. So you don't lose weight in vain, but that the invaluable health benefits.
Don't neglect sleep
And a half hours of sleep can be more of role in the positive! If you can relax properly, you can more easily stick to your diet and more energy to train. Of course, sleep too long, not worth it. Even if you are the sender of the bed for 30 minutes or get up earlier 15 minutes late, you will notice positive changes. As long as you follow the above tips, you can keep yourself in good condition and to maintain the achieved results. It all depends on regular training and proper nutrition. Obesity is steadily declining, you can look and feel and all 100! Do you have any tips on how to lose 1.5 kg a week?
How to lose weight 1 kg in a week: tips for ny menu
Effective tips:
- To carry out effective fasting days.
- During the day, drink plenty of water in order to remove and toxins from the toxins from the body.
- You can also eat apples and drink yogurt every two hours for one glass. The drink should be at least percentage of fat, but not nonfat.
- Weight loss fit an Effective buckwheat without salt and spices. Yes, it might not be very tasty, but useful and high quality. The roast is pour boiling water and leave for several hours, preferably overnight. Eating small meals 5 times a day, drinking green tea or kefir.
- Necessarily activity, you can go to the pool, swim, lift weights. Select a species that suits You best in the spirit.
- It is level and useful for Hiking in the Park, before sleep, a sober riga types works wonders, gives energy, calms nervous system, normalizes sleep.
On the eve before the beginning of the diet, it is better to go to bed on an empty stomach, you can drink a Cup of herbal tea. Menu for one day as follows:
- Breakfast – drink a glass of warm water and take a contrast shower.
- For lunch – a couple of green apples with a Cup of tea and chamomile.
- Dinner 150 g of chicken breast, prepare a salad, with one teaspoon of vegetable oil.
- Afternoon tea cucumber.
- Dinner tomato soup with fresh parsley.
During the day, drink at least 2 liters of water, pure, sparkling.
Low-calorie diet
Is proper nutrition of the system that the basic principles are the following: a Man should not feel hunger, never for the whole day. This result is achieved in the icu. Eat five times a day (3 main reception + snacks of allowed foods). Contents of the plates to accommodate standard glass. No need to overeat – the stomach and stretches the food want to take an unhealthy extent. Move more, walk. Without fanaticism – if you have not played sports, it is too much to push yourself the first day is not worth it. So the man overstrain the muscles, then not for a long time and exercise. If you don't have to carry the poi work out in the gym, dance stretch, or at home. Choose a profession that brings you joy. Drink more water. The liquid speeds up the metabolism dulls the keen sense of and hunger. Day to drink at least eight glasses. Tea and coffee also count, all the drinks but did not receive-contains sugar. Cook!
Always give the refrigerator is allowed products that can satisfy their hunger. Spend a little time to prepare full meals. There are recipes which makes the dish is not only healthy, but delicious. Spot the manifestation of ingenuity, you can soon get bored with bland food, and things to avoid. Include in your diet more foods to the allowed list, so that the correct translation memories computer aligned got nutrients the amount. The list includes food because people carry-and products of animal origin. What? This popular spot (all), beef, Turkey, rabbit and poultry (except duck and goose). Eggs (all birds). Milk products with a fat content of 1.5 %. If you can't live without baking – not on the basis of, and the rice oat flour, without butter and sugar cream. A handful of pasta from durum wheat (1 per day for lunch). Fruits (except watermelons, bananas, persimmons, grapes). Vegetables (except carrots, beets, beans and potatoes). To count calories. A man should eat and up to at least 800 to 1200 kcal per day taking into account the daily exercise. The norm to eat Less of this, that it is impossible, this is equivalent to a hunger strike. Level when calculating caloric content and foods using the calorie counter. By following these recommendations, you can lose 2 kg to maintain your health and change your eating habits.
Fasting day
Arrange fasting day is recommended 1 times a week. A very popular way in losing weight is Euphorbia. It is a green tea with milk. To prepare 1 liter of milk low percentage of fat, dilute with boiled 200 grams of water and let cool slightly. Then the milk is to add 3 tablespoons of green tea. Cast alloy, preferably a half hours. The filtered drink is recommended to drink one every hour glass. In addition, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of pure water. Day This would be excluded from the diet of black tea, alcoholic beverages, flour products, sweets, coffee. Unloading is Also possible and to prepare a cocktail of yogurt with the beets. For this purpose men need to boil the beets without salt, RUB on a small grater or mince, mix and one liter of yogurt. A milkshake would be part 6, I shared and at the same time done using. There is nothing more. On this day you can throw a couple of extra pounds, but the man should know that the weight loss is due to removal of fluids and reduce the volume. The fat remains in place. If you want to lose weight, this method is ideal.