Strong weight loss there are many different options: effective diet, which is specially designed for physical exercise and even surgical procedures. It helps to quickly and in large quantities to lose weight. Consider the most effective a lot of weight.

Strong Principles of weight loss
Before you can determine weight loss, the man must have seen the principles (rules) of intensive weight loss:
- Established bans on products. Close pois, harmful, will, flour, salty and greasy. As with all effective diet is not used to this type of product.
- Eat often, but little. Better throughout the day, snacking on nuts, dried fruit, berries, than to arrive hungry for Breakfast/dinner, lunch or.
- Drink daily, and at least one half liter of mineral water (see water use on the human body).
- Not to eat after 7 PM.
- Any powerful weight loss associated with diet and exercise complex.
- Strong weight loss, and the body is under stress weakness. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep properly.
- Not starve to death. During the day, definitely need to give the stomach to work.
- Effective results a lot of weight, men need to prepare yourself psychologically: you can set a goal, set a deadline, make a plan for losing weight. And then you have even more motivation.
- To control your weight. Be sure to purchase a balance is the most important tool during weight loss.
- Limit the maximum contact with other people for weight loss. So you probably will not be tempted to eat eat, or something someone else's holiday.
Options to lose weight very much, but we are in vain that interested in how much weight. Presented values are here and the biggest weight can harm your health. Strong weight loss already belongs to the application of a certain degree of harm to the health and requires constant medical monitoring.
Use all the techniques you can use at your own risk.
To lose weight, men need to decide on a diet. They are very versatile and for all, who want to lose weight can choose for themselves the best option:

- Cucumbers – a staple food is the cucumber. It can be eaten in unlimited quantities. In addition to this, because people carry, you can use light and low-calorie foods: yogurt, fruit, berries, other vegetables. For lunch you can prepare a couple cucumber cabbage salad, the afternoon you can drink a smoothie of cucumber and dinner, apples and 1 cucumber. 3 weeks the throat can lose 5-15 kg.
- Kefir – the diet includes this type of eating to no avail yogurt. Daily for one week need to drink and kefir, preferably 1%. The diet is very hard, but the results are impressive – from 5 to 10 kg in 10 days. Strong weight loss guaranteed.
- Strict – this diet the maximum limits of human power. Remarkable is the fact that It is possible to 1 day eat a light dinner, and the next day, fasting and water to no avail. Ny-14 days after you can lose 6-15 kg.
- Citrus – a key allowed foods on oranges, mandarins, pomelo and grapefruit. Eat them in any quantity and in any form (except jam). It is safe to drink citrus juices (natural), make fruit salads, eat them fresh. A week of such hard mode, you can lose 4 to 7 pounds. More than a week to sit on this diet, you can't – you can't spoil the gastric mucosa.
- Dairy is not only effective, but also part of a useful diet. You can use any milk products, but they are 0% fat. Breakfast yogurt, eat cheese, eat yogurt. During the day the stomach and works to digest milk products the feeling of hunger and is not as noticeable. You can lose in 1 month 8 17 kg.
- Vegetarian – this type of diet includes junk vegetarian menu. 5 times a day for Food, and every dose is the stabilisation and association agreement exceed 300g. Vegetables can be eaten fresh, steamed, baked. The menu of this diet is versatile and hunger are completely eliminated. Plus this Huge diet it is possible to sit for a month. 30 days, you can lose 7-12 kg.
- Emergency – the most rigid diet. 7 was released the first day of the junk to drink kefir, the next day was on a hunger strike, for the next 5 days then that apple phone with a useless drink berry and vegetable smoothie, 1 day ago again a hunger strike. The last 5 days you can spend in the fat-free broth (meat or vegetable). The result is impressive – up to 20 kg for 19 days. But very such a diet is harmful to health, and after that, when it is necessary to properly "go".
Not greatly diet and lose weight effectively without complex. It is important to choose the right type of exercise, in relation to the selected diet.
- If diet and a very rigid limited diet – teaches powerful and with a small load.
- If the diet is not strict, and is associated with a variety of diet products and a full mode, so we do a lot of emphasis on exercise and training.
The basic principles of training help significantly to lose weight:
- The first always teach morning exercise.
- Exercises start, after 40-70 minutes after the last meal.
- Any exercise men need to maintain water balance. In vain the Man should yet on top of a bottle of mineral water.
- All right exercise is associated with breathing – breathe in through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
- Should be no load on the progressive, less is more.
- Do sports, no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Otherwise you can get insomnia.
- Don't undermine yourself, but don't give favors. Level pleasant and fatigue – the key to effective download.
The most effective type of training strong weight loss:

- Daily squats. You can start with 10 times, gradually increasing later in the day 5 times. 1 month, for nothing squats can help you lose weight in the legs and stomach of 3-5 kg.
- A Push-UP. Don't tighten your arms and chest muscles. Practicing with you can Start with 3 push-UPS every day still 2 times it. This month you can arms and lose weight shoulder 0.5-2 kg.
- Strap. Teach still difficult and short. Abdominal muscles to Strengthen and helps to get rid of fat. Fights cellulite on the buttocks. For once you can stand for 20-40 seconds. Every day a man must increase the time to "stand" for 10 seconds. 1 month exercise "Plank" you can lose weight 2-4 kg.
- The wheel will turn. Involved in all parts of the body. 1. time, you can drive up to 30 rounds. Daily growth was 10 rounds. 1 month you can lose 2-4 kg.
- Drag. The classical teaching, which can help you lose weight in the stomach area, and the hands to the chest. For the first time, nice to catch up 2-3 times. You can add Every day, simply drag-1 time. Lose weight this will teach 30 days 3 to 5 kg.
- Run. Daily Jogging helps to actively fight against the overweight. Enough 1-2 times a day to arrange a Jogging for 15-20 minutes. A month you can lose up to 7 kg.
- Wheel. Ordinary Cycling is not enough. It is important to plan the proper daily exercise, taking into account the duration, frequency, mileage.
How to lose weight in a short period of time?
1 week
In this section, we look at, difficult to lose weight in 7 days. For this purpose, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the and all the prescribed conditions on the recommendations. Because time is short and the impact on us of close to the maximum, preparing mentally physical psychological and difficulties.
Diet, choose all based on fasting, otherwise a lot of weight in a week, we will not. The most important thing is not to deprive the body of fluids and drink water regularly. During this time, you can even lose 5-7 kg.
On Monday
- Breakfast is over, you can drink 1 Cup of coffee (without any additives).
- At lunch, eat dried apricots 1, 3 prunes and 3 almonds.
- In the afternoon you can eat 220-270 ml of 1% yogurt.
- Dinner at 17:00 a glass of berry smoothie.
On Tuesday
- Breakfast is over, I drink strong green tea with lemon.
- Lunch snack of dried apricot 1, 2 plum, 1 almond.
- Snack: yogurt drink (glass).
- Dinner at 18.00 drinking yogurt (1 Cup).
- The whole day sitting and water yogurt 0% fat.
On Thursday
- The whole day sitting and water yogurt 0% fat.
- For breakfast you can eat 1 serving of lean meat broth.
- At lunch you can eat 1 small, mashed to a state of cream, a piece of chicken. You can buy a jar of baby puree Fox.
- In the afternoon you can drink kefir or eat or compote.
- For dinner, eat a serving of vegetable broth (you can add the broth 1 tablespoon of vegetable puree).
On Saturday
- Nothing to eat, water to no avail to drink.
On Sunday
- Kefir a day.
After 7 days, the body becomes very weak, you can at any time feel dizziness, nausea, and abdominal pain. It is important at this time to cancel meetings and take all the at home diet.
This requires diet, smooth exit. The daily addition in the diet of light food and move gradually to stick to a healthy balanced diet.

To perform the exercises
Along with diet, remember to take time for training. Because of the limited power, no-download large.
On Monday
- In the morning, the classic t-shirt exercises.
- After lunch, 10 sit-UPS.
- After dinner, jump on the rope.
On Tuesday
- Sleep after do exercises.
- After lunch we continue to the level of a half-hour walk (near the house).
- In the evening you can do 10 squats.
- Day download began.
- After lunch, we go hiking.
- In the evening jump rope.
On Thursday
- Physical activity is disposed of, such a diet will almost starve to death.
- Exercises to make unnecessary the evening, the best squats – 10 times.
On Saturday
- To cancel the download.
On Sunday
- Afternoon you can go to in the evening and Hike to jump a little rope.
In the end, when light and diet for a week to teach, you can lose up to 10 kg. Weight loss is considered to be strong and fast.
2 weeks
A lot of weight during 14 days, the perfect mono-moderation in diet and physical load. Fasting in this mode is virtually eliminated, but the results promise to be "strong".
Observe the diet
Monday – eat in vain boiled vegetables (potatoes excluded).
Tuesday – day of dairy. You can eat any milk products with a fat content of 0%.
Wednesday – tightly sit on some cucumbers.
Thursday – citrus of the day.
Friday – eat food whatever, based on buckwheat (without salt, sugar, oil).
Saturday – day a shabby soup. Salt, No added fat, no bread. Eat 5 times a day 250g.
Sunday – kefir day.
The second week of the first repeat.
Diet involves reducing weight up to 5-10 pounds in 2 weeks.
Physical activity
Like diet and is considered to be more diverse stretched, in contrast to weekly exercises to introduce more saturated.
On Monday
- Download, jogging 15 minutes ago.
- This afternoon you can make and 10 squats 3 push UPS.
- In the evening, jump rope and tightened 3 times.
On Tuesday
- In the morning Cycling (30 minutes).
- In the afternoon you can do 15 squats, 3 times to do push-UPS 3 times and catch.
- Good night to spin the Hoop for 15 minutes, and walk down the street.
- In the morning, 15 minutes of running, charging.
- Day download press the-key (10 times) and do squats 20 times.
- In the evening, I ride the bike is about 30 minutes.
Thursday – such a diet and to this day citrus promotes active fat burning, teaching should be active.
- In the morning, running 20 minutes.
- After lunch, do as many as possible once the pull-UPS, push-UPS and sit-UPS.
- In the evening I turn the Hoop, jumping rope, riding a bike for 1 hour and.
- Download, jogging 15 minutes ago.
- This afternoon you can make and 10 squats 3 push UPS.
- In the evening, jump rope and tightened 3 times.
On Saturday
- Limited in the morning 30 minute run.
- Evening ride 20 minutes on the bike.
On Sunday
- Give your body a rest.
The second week is similar to the first.
Strong weight loss 14 days (diet and exercise) gives the result 7 to 12 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages of the methods described
Strong weight loss leave visible results always, but they are, and that the positive negative.
- significant weight loss and conversion figures;
- the feeling of lightness;
- the emotional satisfaction of a goal achieved;
- the satisfaction of their figure;
- you can wear attractive model clothes smaller;
- the enthusiasm of friends and admiration from passers-by.
- stress and unusual stress on the body;
- constant hunger and tiredness;
- possible serious complications (anorexia, problems in the gastro-intestinal tract, mental disorders, heart problems).
Strong weight loss it is important to weigh the pros and cons, can such an extreme situation does not suit you and take better care of their health.
Strong weight loss always requires specific against-indications. These are:
- 16-year-old, and after 50 years;
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- problems with the kidneys, heart, nervous system, stomach;
- hormonal imbalance;
- diabetes;
- the lack of excess weight;
- mental health deviations.
In other cases, a man has to do a detailed study of the detection of hidden pathologies. If not then good luck.
In vain, if you do not meet all the rules and tips, you can significantly lose weight. It is important to choose wisely the type of food, increase physical activity and most importantly – set up the win. Follow And don't forget the time weight loss health.